Prevention: Optimal mosquito bite protection 24/7, also in cities (during the day against dengue).
In case of fever, apply paracetamol products and hydration. If you have a fever, avoid taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (e.g., Aspirin®), as this can increase the risk of bleeding during a dengue infection. However, do not stop taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid if it is already part of your regular treatment for an underlying condition.
Note on vaccination against dengue fever with Qdenga®:
The Swiss Expert Committee for Travel Medicine (ECTM) recommends a vaccination with Qdenga® only for travelers from 6 years old who have evidence of previous dengue infection and who will be exposed in a region with significant dengue transmission. For details, see ECTM Statement
Between early June and 15 August 2024, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India reported 245 cases of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) including 82 deaths (CFR 33%). Of these, 64 are confirmed cases of Chandipura virus (CHPV) infection. CHPV is endemic in India, with previous outbreaks occurring regularly, especially during the monsoon season. However, the current outbreak is the largest in the past 20 years.
The Chandipura virus (Vesiculovirus chandipura, CHPV) is a zoonotic arbovirus in the family Rhabdoviridae. The virus is endemic in several regions of India and has been detected in other countries in the South Asian subcontinent. Sporadic cases and limited outbreaks have been reported in India since 1965. The virus has also been detected in animals in some African countries (e.g. Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania) without reported human cases.
The principal vector of CHPV in India is the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi, which is also present in several regions of Europe. Other sand fly, mosquito and tick species are also potential vectors of the virus. A broad range of animals are suspected as vertebrate hosts of CHPV; however, little information is available on the natural ecological cycle of the virus.
The incubation period is typically short, ranging from 3 to 6 days.
CHPV infection may manifest in rapid course as a general febrile disease with meningitis and/or encephalitis (Acute Encephalitis Syndrome). Predominantly children below the age of 15 years are affected. The case fatality rate can reach 55–75%. Serological data indicate asymptomatic human infections.
There is no specific treatment or vaccine available.
WHO assessed the risk as moderate at the national level. The risk assessment will be reviewed as the situation of the outbreak evolves.
Prevention: Optimal insect bite protection 7/24 is of great importance. In case of symptoms: see medical advice immediately.
Two suspected Nipah cases have been reported from the state of Kerala. The case are hospitalized and isolated. Investigations are ongoing.
The Nipah virus (NiV) is a viral disease that can cause a severe clinical picture. It was first detected in 1999 during an outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore. Since then, several outbreaks have been reported in South and Southeast Asia.
NiV is most commonly transmitted via fruit bats through direct or indirect contact with their faeces. Tree fruit or sap made from it that is contaminated with bat faeces is often considered a source of infection. Human-to-human transmission has been reported when caring for infected patients. In addition, pigs can also be infected. The disease spectrum ranges from (mostly) asymptomatic courses to flu-like symptoms with high fever, headache and muscle pain to encephalitis with severe neurological or other complications. Mortality is high (40-70%).
According to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), 3,965 patients were treated for measles in Borno State in Nigeria from October to December 2023. The increase in the number of cases could be due to the fact that public health actors were unable to achieve the 95% vaccination rate due to the uncertain situation in the region. In addition, the interruption of routine childhood vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the increase in cases.
On February 12, 2024, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published the top 10 countries with measles outbreaks (data refer to the period July - December 2023):
Measles outbreaks are reported when the number of reported cases in an area is higher than the expected number of cases.
An 8-year-old girl died of rabies in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, on October 25, 2023, after being bitten by a stray dog two weeks earlier. The child did not inform anyone in her family except her mother about the incident, and she was only given some home remedies instead of the necessary rabies vaccine. The family only contacted the Community Health Center when the girl developed symptoms after 15 days.
According to officials, as many as 5000 cases of dog bites are reported every month in both rural and urban Agra.
In the Indian state of Assam (north-eastern part of the country), 432 cases of Japanese encephalitis (JE) were reported by the end of August, 24 of which were fatal. Cases have increased almost tenfold since the beginning of August 2023.
Ranchi district in Jharkhand state in northern India has also reported an increase in JE cases, although the numbers are still modest, with 12 cases in recent weeks.
The risk for travellers is low. Optimal protection against mosquito bites, especially at dusk and at night.
The indication for vaccination against Japanese encephalitis should be discussed individually and is recommended for:
In India, two women from Vemulamada village in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh died of rabies on the same day, two months after being bitten by a cat. According to the villagers, the cat had contracted rabies because it had previously been bitten by a rabid dog. The cat also died later on. According to the report, the women received tetanus toxoid injections and medication for the cat bite, but no mention was made of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) against rabies.
Consequences for travelers
Avoid contact with animals (never feed them!). After an animal bite/scratch, wash the wound with running water and soap for 15 minutes, disinfect and in any case visit a high-quality medical centre (post-exposure vaccination). For long-term travellers and travellers with increased individual risk (travelling with two-wheelers, to remote areas, long-term stays, small children, etc.), a pre-exposure vaccination is recommended before the stay.
Das «Center for Disease Control and Prevention» (CDC) hat ganz Indien als Land mit einer aktuellen Zika-Epidemie eingestuft, wobei der Ausbruch hauptsächlich in Uttar Pradesh stattfindet. Seit Oktober 2021 wurden 109 bestätigte Fälle gemeldet. Wie in früheren Nachrichten berichtet, wurden auch in anderen Teilen Indiens (Kerala, Maharasthra) Zika-Fälle registriert.
Das Zika-Virus wird v.a. von Mücken übertragen, die tagsüber stechen und in vielen tropischen Regionen vorkommen. Etwa 80% der Infektionen verlaufen asymptomatisch. Die klinischen Symptome sind in der Regel nicht schwerwiegend und dauern zwischen 5 und 7 Tagen: Fieber, roter Hautausschlag (Rash) mit Juckreiz, Gelenkschmerzen, Bindehautentzündung (rote Augen), manchmal Kopf- und Muskelschmerzen. Es kann zu neurologischen (Guillain-Barré-Syndrom) und immunologischen Komplikationen kommen. Es gibt keinen Impfstoff und keine spezifische Therapie gegen das Zika-Virus. Eine besondere Situation besteht für schwangere Frauen, da ein Risiko schwerer Missbildungen beim ungeborenen Kind besteht.
Folgen für Reisende
Aktuell besteht ein erhöhtes Übertragungsrisiko für das Zika-Virus in Indien. Beachten Sie, dass das Zika-Virus auch sexuell übertragen werden kann! Prävention: Optimaler Mückenschutz 24/7: Tagsüber gegen Zika, Dengue und andere Arbovirosen, in der Dämmerung und nachts gegen Malaria.
Bei Reisen in Gebieten mit einem Zika Ausbruch, wie dies in Indien nun der Fall ist, empfiehlt das Schweizerische Expertenkomitee für Reisemedizin während der Reise und mindestens 2 Monate nach der Rückkehr ein Kondom/Femidom zu verwenden, um eine mögliche sexuelle Übertragung des Virus zu verhindern.
Wegen des Risikos für Fehlbildungen beim ungeborenen Kind wird schwangeren Frauen derzeit davon abgeraten, nach Indien zu reisen. Bei unbedingt notwendigen Reisen wird empfohlen, vor der Abreise mit einem Facharzt für Reisemedizin zu sprechen.
Frauen, die planen, schwanger zu werden, sollten nach ihrer Rückkehr (oder der des Partners) aus Indien mindestens 2 Monate mit der Familienplanung abwarten. Im Falle einer medizinisch unterstützten Fortpflanzung sollte dieser Zeitraum auf mindestens 3 Monate verlängert werden. Lesen Sie auch das Informationsblatt Zika, insbesondere wenn Sie schwanger sind oder Sie oder Ihre Partnerin eine Schwangerschaft planen.
CDC Travel News, 9.12.2021, ECDC 13.11.2021, EKRM statement 2019
India, Delhi: Health authorities in Delhi have reported 531 additional dengue fever cases in one week, bringing the total number of cases in the city to over 1,500. This is the highest number of reported cases since 2018, with over 46,000 cases recorded in India, which now ranks second in the world after Brazil (60,000 cases). According to media reports, this sharp increase in dengue fever cases has led to a shortage of hospital beds in both government and private hospitals.
Consequences for travelers
Optimal mosquito protection measures 24/7: during the day against dengue, chikungunya, Zika and other viruses, at dusk and at night against malaria. If you should have a fever: take medication containing the ingredient paracetamol and make sure you drink enough fluids. Do not take any medication containing the ingredient acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. Aspirin®), as this may increase the risk of bleeding in the event of a dengue infection (see also factsheet dengue). If you have visited a malaria area and have a fever >37.5 °C, you should always exclude malaria by taking a blood smear on the spot. Visit a medical facility for this (see also factsheet malaria).
Outbreak News Today, 1.11.2021, Outbreak News Today, 23.10.2021
In the district of Ghaziabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh, 13 diphtheria cases were registered until October 2021, compared to 14 cases in the entire 2020.
Consequences for travelers
A booster vaccination is necessary in addition to a basic immunization against diphtheria (together with tetanus, etc.). The optimal time for the booster vaccination for stays in areas with a diphtheria epidemic is unclear. Travelers to countries with diphtheria outbreaks should receive a booster vaccination if the previous booster vaccination is more than 10 years old, as the diphtheria protection is shorter-lasting than the tetanus protection. For high-risk individuals, such as those on humanitarian missions, a shorter interval (e.g., 5 years) should be considered. Please talk to your doctor if you belong to this group.
Outbreak News Today, 27.10.2021, Outbreak News Today, 23.10.2021
In Ernakulam district, Kerala state, the number of confirmed leptospirosis cases have continued to increase in October 2021 (now 29 confirmed cases and 48 suspected cases) compared to September 2021 (18 confirmed 51 suspected cases). Since the beginning of 2021, 304 suspected cases have been reported in Ernakulam (confirmed: 133 cases).
Monsoon-related flooding occurs regularly between June and September, with October and November constituting the post-monsoon season. As a result, outbreaks of leptospirosis are common during this period.
Consequences for travelers
Wear protective clothing/boots when wading through water! Leptospira are transmitted through the urine of rodents (mainly rats), which can contaminate small bodies of water (creeks, puddles, etc.) and mud. Transmission to humans occurs through small skin lesions or mucosal contacts through direct or indirect contact with the rodent urine. Symptoms range from flu-like symptoms, aseptic meningitis to sepsis. Vaccination is not generally available.
Hepatitis A occurs all over the world, but the risk of infection is higher in countries with poor hygiene standards. There is an increased risk in most tropical and subtropical countries, as well as in some countries in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean.
In recent years, there have also been increasing cases in North America and Europe, including Switzerland, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM). Outbreaks in northern European countries can also occur when unvaccinated children become infected during family visits to tropical and subtropical countries. Upon return, they may transmit the virus within their care facilities.
There is a safe and very effective vaccine that consists of two injections at least 6 months apart. It provides lifelong protection after the second dose. Hepatitis A vaccination can also be given in combination with hepatitis B vaccination (3 doses required).
Vaccination against hepatitis A is recommended for all travellers to risk areas, as well as for persons at increased personal risk: persons with chronic liver disease, men who have sex with men, people who use or inject drug, persons with increased occupational contact with persons from high-risk areas or populations, and others.
“Cook it, boil it, peel it or forget it” – this simple slogan would be sufficient to prevent typhoid fever nearly entirely. However, only few travelers fully adhere to this advice. Nevertheless, the value of food and water hygiene cannot be stressed enough: avoid buying water bottles without proper sealing, avoid drinking tap water from unknown sources, avoid eating cooled / frozen foods (i.e. ice cubes in water or ice cream) and avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables that you yourself have not peeled and washed with clean drinking water.
Two types of vaccines are available:
Regular hand washing after using the bathroom and before eating or preparing food. Avoidance of undercooked or raw food that is potentially contaminated with fecal material.
The most important prevention is vaccination. A very effective and well-tolerated vaccine against polio is available (inactivated (killed) polio vaccine (IPV)), which is part of the basic vaccination schedule during childhood. Combination vaccines (e.g. with diphtheria and tetanus) are also available. After basic vaccination, a booster dose is recommended every 10 years for travel to certain countries (see country page recommendations). WHO recommends a yearly vaccination for residents or long-stay visitors (minimum 4 weeks) in a country with ongoing polio infections or circulating vaccine-derived polio viruses. This recommendation not only targets individual protection, but aims to prevent the international spread of the virus.
All travellers should have completed a basic immunisation and boosters according to the Swiss vaccination schedule, LINK.
All travellers should have completed a basic immunisation and boosters according to the Swiss vaccination schedule, LINK.
Travellers should be immune to chickenpox. Persons between 13 months and 39 years of age who have not had chickenpox and who have not received 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine should receive a booster vaccination (2 doses with minimum interval of 4 weeks), see Swiss vaccination schedule, LINK.
For administrative reasons, there is the following entry regulation of the country:
Exempt from this entry requirement:
For administrative reasons, there is the following entry regulation of the country:
Exempt from this entry requirement:
CDC Map: Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for the Americas
As against all mosquito-borne diseases, prevention from mosquito bites is during day and night (see “Insect and tick bite protection” factsheet). The available vaccine is highly efficacious and provides a long-term protection. It is recommended for people aged 9 months or older who are travelling to yellow fever endemic areas. In addition, providing proof of vaccination may be mandatory for entry into certain countries.
The vaccine is a live-attenuated form of the virus. In immunocompetent persons, protection starts about 10 days after the first vaccination. Reactions to yellow fever vaccine are generally mild and include headache, muscle aches, and low-grade fevers. Side effects can be treated with paracetamol but aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example ibuprofen or naproxen, should be avoided. On extremely rare occasions, people may develop severe, sometimes life-threatening reactions to the yellow fever vaccine – which is why this vaccine is used with caution in immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women and the elderly for safety reasons. Talk to your travel health advisor if you belong to this group.
No treatment against rabies disease exists.
Post-exposure measures:
Stroking cute pets is not a good idea; refrain from touching wild or unfamiliar or dead animals.
All travellers to places where rabies may occur and who are likely to take repeated trips to areas where rabies occurs should have a pre-exposure vaccination. In addition, pre-exposure vaccination is highly recommended for travellers at particular risk:
The shortened vaccination schedule can be proposed to most travellers: 2 shots, the first one at one month before departure if possible (minimum: 8 days before departure). A single third rabies booster vaccination is recommended before the next trip, at least after one year.
Prevention: Mosquito bite prevention and chemoprophylaxis.
Discuss with your travel health advisor which prophylactic medication is suitable for you. The travel health advisor will prescribe the appropriate medication and dosage.
Prevention: Mosquito bite prevention.
Discuss with a travel health advisor whether carrying a stand-by emergency self-treatment against malaria is necessary.
Prevention: Mosquito bite prevention.
Prevention: Mosquito bite prevention and chemoprophylaxis.
Discuss with your travel health advisor which prophylactic medication is suitable for you. The travel health advisor will prescribe the appropriate medication and dosage.
Prevention: Mosquito bite prevention.
Discuss with a travel health advisor whether carrying a stand-by emergency self-treatment against malaria is necessary.
Prevention: Mosquito bite prevention.
Fever during or after a stay in a malaria-endemic area is an emergency! Prompt diagnosis and treatment are required as the health of people with malaria can deteriorate very quickly. That means: if you have fever >37.5° (use a thermometer!) you need to test for malaria within a maximum time-frame of 24 hours, regardless of whether or not you have used prophylactic medication (malaria chemoprophylaxis). Try to reach a doctor or hospital where you can reliably receive such a test. If the first test is negative, it should be repeated on the following day if the fever persists.
Prevention of malaria requires a combination of approaches:
For travellers, there is currently no malaria vaccination available.
CDC Map: Distribution of dengue
Dengue fever is the most common insect-borne infectious disease worldwide. There are 4 known serotypes of dengue virus, so it is possible to be infected with dengue more than once. Approximately 1 in 4 infected individuals develop symptoms of dengue, resulting in high fever, muscle and joint pain, and skin rash. In rare cases, most often after a second infection, life-threatening bleeding and shock (severe drop of blood pressure) may occur.
In 3 out of 4 cases, an infection with the virus remains asymptomatic. After a short incubation period (5-8 days), 1 out of 4 infected people present an abrupt onset of fever, headache, joint, limb and muscle pain, as well as nausea and vomiting. Eye movement pain is also typical. A rash usually appears on the 3rd or 4th day of illness. After 4 to 7 days, the fever finally subsides but fatigue may persist for several days or weeks.
In rare cases, severe dengue can occur. Particularly susceptible are local children and seniors as well as people who have experienced a prior dengue infection. Tourists extremely rarely present with severe dengue. In the first days, the disease resembles the course of classic dengue fever, but on the 4th/5th day, and usually after the fever has subsided, the condition worsens. Blood pressure drops, and patients complain of shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort, nosebleeds, and mild skin or mucosal hemorrhages. In the most severe cases, life-threatening shock may occur.
There is no specific treatment for dengue virus infection. Treatment is limited to mitigation and monitoring of symptoms: fever reduction, relief of eye, back, muscle and joint pain, and monitoring of blood clotting and blood volume. Patients with severe symptoms must be hospitalised.
For treatment of fever or pain, paracetamol or acetaminophen are recommended (e.g. Acetalgin® Dafalgan®). Drugs containing the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. Aspirin®, Alcacyl®, Aspégic®) must be avoided.
Effective mosquito protection during the day and especially during twilight hours (i.e. sunset) is the best preventive measure:
For further information, please refer to the factsheet on "Mosquito and tick bite protection".
Note on the dengue vaccine Qdenga®:
Consistent mosquito protection during the day (see above) is still considered the most important preventive measure against dengue!
Of note
CDC Map: Distribution for Chikungunya
The infection may present with some or all of the following symptoms: sudden onset of high-grade fever, chills, headache, redness of eyes, muscle and joint pain, and rash. The rash usually occurs after the onset of fever and typically involves the trunk and extremities, but can also include the palms, soles of the feet, and the face.
Often fever occurs in two phases of up to one week duration, with an interval of one to two fever-free days in between. The second phase may present with much more intense muscle and joint pain, which can be severe and debilitating. These symptoms are typically bilateral and symmetric and mainly involve hands and feet, but may also involve the larger joints, such as the knees or shoulders.
About 5-10% of infected people continue to experience severe joint pain even after the fever has subsided, in some cases lasting up to several months or, albeit rare, even years.
The Zika virus was identified in 1947 in monkeys from the Zika forest in Uganda. Virus circulation has long been limited (a few cases each year) in Africa and South-East Asia. In May 2015, the American continent was affected for the first time, with an epidemic in Brazil that rapidly spread to South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Since then, the disease has been reported in most tropical and subtropical regions.
The risk of infection is currently low in most regions and does not require specific measures. However, epidemics may occasionally reappear. During epidemics, the risk of transmission is high, and specific recommendations for the traveller are necessary.
In case of fever, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The symptoms of a Zika virus infection may seem similar to those of malaria, for which urgent treatment is necessary, or dengue fever. Treatment for Zika aims for reduction of fever and joint pain (paracetamol). Avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) as long as dengue fever is not excluded. There is no vaccine available.
In case of pregnancy and fever during or upon return from a Zika virus transmission area, blood and/or urine tests are indicated. In case of confirmed infection, the medical management should be discussed with the gynecologist and infectious/travel medicine specialists.
The risk of infection can be reduced by effective protection from mosquito bites during the day and in the early evening (long clothing, mosquito repellents, mosquito net).
When travelling in an area of increased risk (= declared epidemic) and in order to prevent possible sexual transmission of the virus, it is recommended to use a condom / Femidom during the trip and at least 2 months after return.
Due to the risk of fetal malformation, pregnant women are advised against travelling to areas at increased risk (= declared as epidemic) of Zika transmission at any time during pregnancy (in case of essential travel, a consultation with a travel medicine specialist is advised before departure). Women who wish to become pregnant should wait at least 2 months after their return (or that of their partner) from an area at increased risk of Zika transmission.
Wichtig: Eine STI kann auch ohne oder mit nur leichten Symptomen auftreten. Auch wenn Sie sich dessen nicht bewusst sind, können Sie andere anstecken. Deshalb ist es wichtig sich testen zu lassen.
Durch Bakterien oder Parasiten hervorgerufen
Alle diese Krankheiten können geheilt werden. Wichtig ist dabei, frühzeitig zu testen und umgehend zu therapieren, um Komplikationen und v.a. weitere Übertragungen zu vermeiden.
Durch Viren hervorgerufen
Mpox has been commonly found in West and Central Africa for many years where the suspected reservoir - small mammals - is endemic. There are two types of Monkeypox virus called ‘clades’ that cause the disease mpox - clade I in Central Africa and clade II in West Africa. Since the end of smallpox vaccination campaigns in the early 1980’s, cases of mpox have increased, slowly at first and significantly in the last 5-10 years, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
In 2022, a new emerging subclade of clade II was responsible for a global epidemic that spread mainly through sexual contact among men who have sex with men. It resulted in the first public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) declared by the WHO until 2023. Although the clade II epidemic is now under control, this virus variant continues to circulate worldwide.
In 2024, the continued spread of mpox clade I in endemic regions of Central Africa, particularly in the DRC, and the emergence of a new subclade Ib in Eastern DRC and neighboring countries have raised global concern and prompted the WHO to declare a PHEIC for the second time in two years. The current geographical spread of the mpox clade Ib variant occurs via commercial routes through sexual contact (e.g. sex workers), followed by local transmission in households and other settings (which is becoming increasingly important).
Animal to human transmission
Mpox can spread from animal to human when they come into direct contact with an infected animal (rodents or primates).
Human to human transmission
Mpox can be spread from person to person through close physical contact (sexual and non-sexual contact) with someone who has symptoms of mpox. Skin and mucous membrane lesions, body fluids, and scabs are particularly infectious. A person can also become infected by touching or handling clothing, bedding, towels, or objects such as eating utensils/dishes that have been contaminated by contact with a person with symptoms. Household members, family caretakers, and sexual partners of a confirmed case of mpox are at higher risk for infection as are health care workers who treat a case without adequate personal protection.
The incubation period (time between infection and onset of symptoms) ranges from a few days up to 3 weeks. Mpox causes a rash / skin eruption that can be painful associated with swollen lymph nodes and fever. Fever may start already before the rash phase. Other symptoms include muscle aches, back pain, and fatigue. The rash may be localized or generalized, with few or hundreds of skin lesions. It mainly affects the face, the trunk and the palms of hand and soles of the feet. It can also be present in genital areas and on mucous membranes such as in the mouth and throat. Symptoms usually last 2 to 4 weeks and the person remains contagious until all lesions have healed (once the cabs have fallen off).
Complications include secondary bacterial infections, infections of the lung and brain and involvement of other organs, still birth and others. Children, pregnant women, and people with weak immune systems are at higher risk to develop a severe form of mpox.
The majority of person with mpox recovers spontaneously and do not need specific antiviral treatment. Care management consists of relieving pain and other symptoms and preventing complications (e.g., superinfection). Several antiviral treatments are studied in various countries and may be used in trials or in clinical situations according to the recommendations of national medical societies.
In case of symptoms:
General precautions:
There are several vaccines against mpox (e.g. Jynneos®, manufacture Bavarian Nordic). The Bavarian Nordic vaccine was originally developed to fight against smallpox, but offers a cross-protection against mpox. In Switzerland, the Jynneos® vaccine has been licensed by Swissmedic since 2024. Groups at risk (e.g., men who have sex with men or transgender people with multiple sex partners) are eligible for vaccination since 2022 and this recommendation remains unchanged (see FOPH recommendations). In light of the epidemiological situation in Africa in 2024, the Swiss Expert Committee for Travel Medicine recommends vaccination against mpox for professionals who are / will be in contact with suspect mpox patients or animals in endemic/epidemic regions or who work in a laboratory with the virus (for updates, see news).
The risk to the general population and travelers (tourists) is considered extremely low if the above-mentioned general precautions are followed and vaccination is not recommended.
There is a risk of arthropod-borne diseases other than malaria, dengue, chikungunya or zika in sub-/tropical regions, and some areas of Southern Europe. These include the following diseases [and their vectors]: